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Chubang Rice vinegar

Series specifications

    Chubang white rice vinegar is brewed using modern technology combined with traditional techniques to truly brew rice vinegar. It has a mild sour taste, is good in pickling and mixing, and has a wide range of uses. 0% added coloring, 0% added flavor, 0% added preservatives.


Recommended recipe


Appetizing kohlrabi silk

    Ingredients: 1 kohlrabi, 30 grams of hawthorn cake


    50g of Chubang white rice vinegar, 50g of sugar, 5g of salt

    Production Method:

    1. Peel the kohlrabi, cut into thin strips, soak in water for 5 minutes and take out;

    2. Control the water content, add 50g of CHUBANG white rice vinegar, 50g of sugar, and 5g of salt and mix gently;

    3. Add hawthorn cake when loading.

    Dishes Features: Sweet and sour, refreshing and pleasant colors

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