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Chubang Zero-Additive Pure Rice Vinegar

Series specifications

    Chubang Pure Rice Vinegar, 100% zero-added colorings, flavors, and preservatives, has a mellow taste and natural sourness. It is suitable for stir-fry, cold salad, dipping, vinegar-soaked snacks, vinegar drinks, fruit drinks, etc.


Recommended recipe


Cloud Grapefruit Fennel Root

    Raw material:

    250g fresh fennel root, 50g bell pepper slices, 100g grapefruit pulp, 100g sweet orange pulp, 50g sugar


    50g of Chubang pure rice vinegar, 5g of olive oil, 5g of lemon juice, 1g of sea salt, 1 green lemon. 1 barrel of liquid nitrogen

    Production Method:

    1. Slice 250 grams of fresh fennel root, soak and roll;

    2. Beat 50 grams of Chubon pure rice vinegar, 50 grams of sugar, 5 grams of lemon juice, 5 grams of olive oil, and 1 gram of sea salt with a blender;

    3. Drain all kinds of vegetables, mix well with seasonings and put on a plate;

    4. Sprinkle the grapefruit meat frozen with liquid nitrogen.

    Dishes Features: Attractive colors, sweet and sour

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