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Chubang Meiweixian Granulated Chicken Essence

Series specifications

    Chubang Meiweixian Chicken Crystals are beige in color and fine in powder form. They are made of selected raw materials and carefully blended. They have a unique aroma of white pepper, are fresh and salty, and have a rich taste. They are suitable for serving soups, porridge, stir-fries and various other dishes. Meat cooking.


Recommended recipe


Wild rice with scallion oil

    Ingredients: 400 grams of wild rice

    Ingredients: 150g thick chicken soup, 5g each onion and ginger

    Seasoning: 5 grams of Chubang delicious fresh chicken crystals, 10 grams of salt

    Production process:

    1. Cut the wild rice into four-cornered flowers and cut into shreds, drain it and set aside;

    2. Saute the onions and ginger in the pot, add 150 grams of thick chicken broth, add wild rice, add 5 grams of Chubang delicious fresh chicken crystals and 10 grams of salt, season to taste, then turn off the heat, soak and serve.

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