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Chubang Light soy sauce

Series specifications


Recommended recipe


Silver cod with chives

    Ingredients: 200g silver cod

    Accessories: 1 green onion, 100 grams of chives, black charcoal crackers, appropriate amount of microgreens, and one dough ring

    Seasoning: 3 grams of Chubang's very fresh soy sauce, 2 grams of Chubang's onion and ginger cooking wine, 500 grams of Chubang's pure corn oil, an appropriate amount of green sesame juice, an appropriate amount of egg white, 3 grams of Chubang's chicken powder, and 3 grams of pepper oil. , Chubang Fragrance Pure Sesame Oil 20g


    1. Mix the green sesame juice, shallots, Chubang chicken powder, Sichuan peppercorn oil, and Chubang pure sesame oil in a wall-breaking machine, mix well, pour out and set aside;

    2. Peel the cod and marinate it with Chubang chicken powder, Chubang flavor soy sauce, Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine for 10 minutes;

    3. Coat the scallions with egg white and wrap the cod fish, fry in hot Chubang pure corn until slightly brown, take out and absorb the oil;

    4. Serve with dough rings, black charcoal crackers, and microgreens.

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