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Chubang Coloring dark soy sauce

Series specifications


Recommended recipe


Truffle Braised Pork

    Ingredients: 200g pork belly with skin

    Accessories: 30g black truffle sauce, fried mushroom slices

    Seasoning: 50 grams of Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine, 5 grams of Chubang premium dark soy sauce, 15 grams of Chubang delicious fresh soy sauce, 30 grams of rock sugar, appropriate amount of garlic and ginger.


    1. Charcoal-grill pork belly with skin, scrape, trim and cut;

    2. Use garlic, ginger cubes, rock sugar, Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine, Chubang delicious fresh soy sauce, Chubang premium dark soy sauce, put the pork into the pot and simmer on low heat for 1.5 hours;

    3. Before the sauce is reduced, add the truffle sauce and mix thoroughly, then add the fried mushroom slices and serve.

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